Totem Animals Tutorials
Gregory's Biography Link
The inspiration to release these tutorials came during my twilight hikes! I am following it!
30 Years of Knowledge Passed Onto You
Totem animals are always there waiting to be your friend! Many of you have felt them or wanted to know how to discover and connect with them. These three easy and powerful tutorials will show you how to do it!
What You Will Learn:
- How to discover and meet your animal totem.
- How to communicate with them.
- How to shape-shift and merge with your totem!
- How to Journey with your totem to sacred places
- And ultimately how to honor them and yourself because honoring your spiritual inspirations is everything!
From these tutorials you will also strengthen your confidence, faith and intuition.
Two Shamanic Training Members Talking about their experience doing the Totem Tutorials 1. What did you gain or learn from the animal totem lessons in the shamanic program? I learned an amazing sense of awareness with animals in nature and that we are all one. They are here to help and guide us on our path and journey through life. Specifically for me I learned an important lesson with my first totem animal, the wolf. Speaking with Greg during a phone consult we realized that perhaps the wolf was showing me that my “family” didn’t have to be my biological family. This was a very deep insight for me personally as I had never been very close to my own immediate family. Debbie C. MN 3. How did you feel it changed your life? Not long ago I was meditating and had a question about a work situation. My hawk took me on his back and we flew through my office over everyone’s desk. Each of them was portrayed as an animal. When I was done with the meditation I read about each of those animals and began working with each individual according to how they were portrayed. It was uncanny how that experience helped me to better deal with the personalities within the work space since I had a rabbit, a bear, a horse and a porcupine. No wonder there was a bit of reservation within that group! Working with the Totem animals has given me a new perspective that I lacked and has also increased my own skills of observation and analysis. Carol L. Nashville, TN |
What is the value for you to learn about Animal Totems? How will it support your personal and spirtual growth?
- Animal totems model strength and courage to us and what I have found personally—intense focus. Witnessing this modeling is very empowering and can inspire you to embody the same qualities.
- Can it expand coping strategies? Have you noticed the incredible patience of an animal! Patience is an essential key to coping. I find that the more patience I have and faith that a new thought will flow up at some point and give me a different perspective, the better I cope in the world.
- Totems can help you open up and let your true self flow out because you feel safe with them. They never judge, their love is unconditional. The more you can let the real you flow out, the more it will start to flow out in your daily life.
- You are tapping into an Ancient Tradition that has existed for a few thousand years! There is evidence of these relationships dating back a long ways!
- Totems and nature go hand in hand. I would say unequivocally in my witnessing of many clients, who I have taught this too, they have also developed a deeper more intimate relationship with nature.
- Totems reflect for you the freedom animals embody and their deep connection to mother earth. When you can see these characteristics reflected right in frontof you from the presence of your totem, it has way of penetrating you deeply. Their sense of freedom fans the innate freedom inside you that is always present.
- Totems on my levels are protectors and as your relationship develops can offer you guidance.
- This relationship will bring you closer to the animal kingdom because you will begin to feel what they feel!
- This relationship will help you feel more spiritually connected because as its heart it’s a pure spiritual connection that nudges you to access the qualities one needs to feel spiritually connected: faith, trust, believe in your instincts, belief in the unknown.
- A relationship with totem is at its heart the feeling of being backed up! Feeling supported.
- With acknowledgement and nurturing you could have a companion for life!
Important: You can order one at a time starting from Tutorial One but if you skipped Tutorial One and ordered Two or Three, they would not make any sense to you. Each Tutorial builds on the one prior.
As another option you could order One and Two and then decide on Three later.
The best idea is to order all three at the same time! There is no time limit. They are yours for life!
Totem Animal Tutorial One Discovering Your Animal Totem 4 Videos, 7 Lessons - Creating A Sacred Place
- Calling them Forth
- Meeting Them!
- Breathing With Them
- Speaking With Them
- Saying Goodbye Until Next Time
Totem Animal Tutorial Two Shape-Shifting 1 Videos, 5 Lessons - Creating A Sacred Circle
- Inviting Them Inside
- Seeing How it Feels
- Walking & Running With Them!
- Completing
Totem Animal Tutorial Three Journeying 1 Videos, 6 Lessons - Coming Along With You – Becoming Friends
- Asking What They Want To Do!
- Hiking With Them
- Setting Up To Journey
- The Journey
- Coming Back From The Journey
**Bonus: If you sign up for all three tutorials, you will receive a free copy of my book, The Woodstock Bridge. There are sections in the book that describe the relationship with animal totems!
Please See Testimonials
Fees & Ordering - All Three Tutorials – $85 :
Bonus: Free Copy Of The Woodstock Bridge -
Totem Animal Tutorial One – Discovering Your Totem: $35: -
Totem Animal Tutorial Two – Shape Shifting- $35: -
Totem Animal Tutorial Three – Journeying- $35: *Current Members who purchased other programs from me, please use this link to login and you will see a drop down menu on your Membership Page: Log In Please feel free to call me with any questions: (928) 274-2427 mstt 9-7 |
For detailed information on the Shaman Online Training Program please click this link:
Shaman Online Training Program
Helping You Discover the Unique Shamanism Within You