Sedona Sacred Journeys


The Ultimate Guide to Shamanism for Beginners

Did you know that people from around the world have been practicing shamanism for more than ten thousand years?

Before there was religion, there were shamans. Even though the first people to embrace the concept of shamanism lived in present-day Mongolia, cultures in Europe, North America, and South America also developed their own shamanic or medicine traditions.

Despite its importance, many people don’t understand what shamanism is and how to be a shaman. To help you understand this fascinating nature-based type of spirituality, we’ve created a guide. Keep reading and we’ll tell you everything that you need to know.

What Is Shamanic Mysticism?

Those who practice shamanism don’t put their faith in a particular religion or God. Instead, they believe that every plant and animal on the planet has a spirit. Most present-day shamanic teachings have been transmitted by word of mouth through countless generations.

The majority of people have had to fight to keep the wisdom of their ancestors alive because those who were members of governments and established religions perceived shamanism to be primitive and backward. Despite this, most indigenous cultures have successfully kept their unique traditions alive, especially those who have lived in isolated communities in the jungles and mountains of the world.

Many people describe shamanism as the key to life. Those who practice shamanism perform rituals and ceremonies with the intention of connecting with higher planes of existence. This is often referred to as “entering the spirit world.”

It’s possible to enter this world if you want to do things like heal and connect with your ancestors. Shamans also say that they enter this world so that they can change the weather and positively influence world events.

What a Shaman Does

Skilled shamans know how to bring abundance, health, and happiness to their communities and to the world. They usually try to focus their healing efforts on all plants and creatures on the planet.

They immerse themselves in the spiritual world by performing rituals to get into ecstatic states. It’s common for people to go into trance states. Shamans also might undergo physical transformations.

There are various methods that people use to enter ecstatic states. Those who come from North American tribes often go on vision quests or fast for many days while spending time in total isolation. These activities help them to find a deeper sense of inner peace.

Many shamans from South America and Siberia choose to use hallucinogenic plants to enter the spiritual world. This includes things like ayahuasca, the San Pedro cactus, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, and alcohol.

Shamans of North America

It’s common for North American Medicine People to increase their power through genetic inheritance, spirit quests, or by being chosen by their communities.

Many indigenous Medicine People of North America are able to remove unwanted objects from people’s bodies. They also know how to perform divination to prepare for hunting. Lastly, they’re able to make prophecies of what will happen in the future.

Even though most North American shamans are men, more and more women are embracing this spiritual path.

Shamans of South America

There are many different kinds of shamans and types of spirituality in South America. Those who come from the Andes mountains make offerings to the earth. They refer to the earth as Pachamama, which means “mother earth.”

It’s common for Andean shamans to play a kind of flute that’s known as a quena. They perform divinations by using animals such as guinea pigs to read where their patients need healing.

Shamans of the jungles in the Amazon often work with medicinal plants. This includes psychedelics such as ayahuasca. They’ll drink this tea with their patients and will often perform “clearings” by singing sacred chants known as icaros.

Shamans of Siberia

Experts think that the first shamans came from Siberia. People of Siberia revered shamans and thought that they were the most important members of their communities.

Becoming a shaman in Siberia involved being initiated by elders. There are various classes of Siberian shamans, depending on what kinds of things people are most skilled at.

It’s also common for Siberian shamans to use hallucinogens. The most common plant that people used is a mushroom known as Amanita muscaria. Since it’s poisonous if taken in large doses, it’s important to work with it under the guidance of an experienced elder.

Becoming a Shaman

If you want to become a shaman, it’s necessary to undergo shamanic training. It’s also important to know that every tradition has different methods for initiation.

Contemporary shamans who follow ancient lineages often embrace a concept known as “the warrior code.” In essence, this involves connecting with the heart instead of with the mind. It also involves taking action on what you feel instead of waiting for something to happen to you. We call that having “no gap” between hearing the spiritual whisper and acting on it.

What Is a Shamanic Practioner?

A shamanic practitioner is somebody who has spent many years as an apprentice to elder shamans. They know how to connect with animals and plants and perform healing prayers.

If you meet a shamanic practitioner who you are interested in learning from, you should remember to ask them what their experience is with shamanism. This is because there are many people who claim to be shamanic practitioners who don’t actually have that much experience.

Shamanism Has Roots in Almost Every Culture Around the World

There are many different kinds of shamanism. North American Medicine People have a deep intimate relationship with the Plant-, Rock-, and Tree-People; they are in partnership with these life forces. This partnership guides them in healing clients of emotional blockages that could be resulting in physical issues.

At Sedona Sacred Journeys, we offer a variety of shamanic onlien training and customized retreats.  Shamanism is always at thier core. But no matter what your background is, it’s possible to participate in our retreats. If you’re interested in joining us for one of our retreats, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.