Sedona Retreat Testimonials
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Sedona Retreat Testimonials - 145 On Site!

Sharon Slower, IA
Posted January 6, 2014

I went to Sedona and met up with Greg from Sedona Sacred Journeys. I was ready to step into my power and live from the wisdom of my own heart. I felt the need at this point in my life, that I needed assistance to open up to my spiritual guidance in order to take my personal journey to the next level. I was so ready to let go of the feeling of being stuck that seemed to resonate from baggage of my past. I had a deep desire to transform my life so that I could live more joyfully. My time with Greg was so productive, but I wanted more, so I signed up for online courses. Welcome to the best time of MY life! This is how I describe the Sacred Journey -online program I am enrolled in. I have found my daily work in the program is a recipe for falling deeply and passionately in love – with Me. I have grown in understanding that loving myself has to do with creating my best life, loving myself is the most essential prerequisite to living my best life. I feel great about who I am as a person and I seem to radiate an undeniable magnetic energy that is attracting all the things I desire. People have been “magically” showing up in my life. Ideas and next actions for my projects come easily. My relationships with others – even those with whom I have had problems in the past – are lighter and more fun. I am learning that when I am kind, generous, and respectful toward myself, I feel worthy and deserving of claiming the gifts of this world. Keeping my eyes along the skyline! Sharon

Julie Myers, WI
Posted January 14, 2014

I spent a few days in a retreat with Greg last year. My husband passed away a year before and I was having a difficult time dealing with it. Greg not only helped me with my feelings of loss but also other issues that helped me towards living a life of more joy and meaning. I followed up my retreat with his spiritual warrior program which helped me to solidify the changes I needed to make. My time with him has changed my life in such a positive way. Thank you Greg!

Jay Larimore, NY
Posted January 20, 2014

The first time we met with Greg we expected that it would help us to discover how better to work with the vortex energies. It was our first visit to Sedona and we wanted some spiritual direction. Wow-did we get it! Our time made a profound difference in how we were able to work with our OWN energies. Greg has a way of quietly putting together the threads of what his clients are both “looking for” and what he suspects that they “need” to create a safe environment to explore new territories using the geography of the area as both a foundation and a launching pad. We’ve now been involved in some of Greg’s programs and recently went for a second visit to get a “tune up”. It was even more meaningful for us as we could process better what we had been learning the past 7 months. I would never hesitate to suggest time with Greg. It was 3 hours that changed us emotionally and spiritually.

Audrey & Frank, MN
Posted October 14, 2011

I was not quite sure what to expect when heading to Sedona, but what I received from my weekend couples retreat with Greg was well worth the travel and money. There was certainly some apprehension since my background is pretty traditional. What Greg recommends is very logical and there is so much common sense. I feel like I learned a lot myself, my partner, and our relationship. I’ll admit that I have difficulty feeling energy when venturing out into vortexes, but whatever happened made me feel awesome. When I returned to ‘real life’ I had so much energy. I have continued working through Greg’s coaching programs and feel like I’m on the right path. Oh, and my relationship (the main point of the visit) has doubled in quality. I am very thankful.

Brad Guy, CA
Posted March 3, 2014

I truly did love my experience with Greg. My fiancé and I visited Greg in December of 2013. We spent three afternoons with him in his office and on the hiking trails exploring our relationship, our personal desires and self-limiting beliefs and patterns that were holding us back, and the quality of our communication. As close as we are, and as wonderful as our relationship is, we found lots of space to grow together and individually. From our time in the office to our time hiking thru the beautiful landscape of Sedona, Greg challenged us to carefully observe our behavior, our patterns, to see if there was room to expand by looking at ourselves from different perspectives. Greg led us with his heart and a level of authenticity I so rarely feel I see in people these days. I look forward to returning for more adventures with Greg. He is a genuinely intuitive man with a great big heart and appreciation for life, nature, and the magnificent landscape of Sedona. He also gave us some tremendous recommendations for eating and lodging and hiking. We had a fantastic trip… truly one of the greatest weeks of my life. If I had to use one word to describe this trip, I would say Magical.

Carmen Dawson
Posted November 15, 2020

“I just completed a 3 day retreat with Gregory and it was life changing. I learned to connect and listen to the wise voices of nature and The Ancient Ones on my hikes guided by Gregory’s app. I have now started building my relationships with the creation of sacred places in my own backyard and listening to the wise advice of the spirits I connect to there. I also learned a very simple but powerful lesson – that I cannot change the minds of people around me no matter how badly I want to. So, instead of becoming completely angry and frustrated by this I have learned to change my own thoughts / opinion of these situations. By doing this I free my mind of the detrimental clutter and allow space for my divinity to speak to me. So beautiful and peaceful. Gregory was extremely humble and bent over backwards to help me find solutions to the things that were important to me. He is a very gifted teacher and Shaman and I’m so grateful for the time I got to work with him. Thank you Gregory Drambour!!”

Posted November 30, 2017

“First, let me say that if you have found Greg’s page either by way of a personal referral or by curious web searching or simply by chance; (read, Divine Intervention) there is a true reason you have landed on this page! Listen deeply because there is no need to read further or look further or question further–just connect with Greg now in anyway that feels right.
Second, I will leave all the sentimental stuff aside and spare you my deepest details but share with you instead that my experience working with Greg has been **absolutely life changing**. I hesitate to even label what Greg does. To my friends I have referred to Greg as counselor, therapist, healer, shaman, intuitive, spiritual guide, guru, and teacher. Whatever I have called him, it has always been with the deepest of admiration and gratitude.
Greg will help you walk through your darkest of days and help you find your way to your brightest days. My experience with Greg started at a private Couple’s Retreat and then continued as I completed his Freedom from Co-Dependency Program and worked on a few sections in his Spiritual Warrior Program. The magic of the Couple’s Retreat happened as Greg helped me see what was beneath all the layers that were blurring some personal issues. I found his intuition, formal training, super-sonic deep listening skills, and ability to pull from his own life absolutely invaluable in helping me to course correct my life. Serious – Course Correction! The Couple’s Retreat was just the beginning for me. The heart of what I was to learn came in the weeks to follow as I completed the Freedom from Co-Dependency Program and worked on sections in his Spiritual Warrior Program. Both programs are incredibly well organized, challenging, yet very manageable and accessible. Each lesson started with a great video or audio file and continued with powerful exercises that really propelled me into a space of personal awareness and growth.
Lastly, I could have this review go on and on about all of the amazing things that are happening in my life as a result of doing the work Greg laid out, but I’ve got to wrap this up somehow. Lets just say that you’d likely be surprised in talking with me to learn that I am in such a wonderful space in my life, that I have found love for my self again, and that I feel such intense energy surrounding me during what could otherwise be a debilitating time in my life. I will be forever grateful to Greg for walking with me along my journey.”

Kathryn Baird, NV
Posted November 28, 2016

“Greg’s online spiritual tutorials have made a profound difference in the way I walk through my day. He is attentive and encouraging. Greg helps you to sere through your self-imposed blocks to reach your own “inner wisdom”. In the short time I have worked with Greg I have had a major breakthrough and personal revelation. Thank you for the good work you do Greg! I so value our sessions and look forward to continued progress. I highly recommend this insightful individual to anyone who desires real change.

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Sedona Spiritual Retreats
Sedona Spiritual Retreats
Sedona Spiritual Retreats