Sedona Sacred Journeys


Staying Positive – 7 Simple Tips for Maintaining Well-Being

14% of people will say they’re truly happy with every aspect of their lives, but this isn’t the case for everyone. There are people worldwide who are having a challenging time staying positive and maintaining their well-being.

If you’re here, it’s safe to say you’ve found you’re one of these people. If you want to start living a healthy lifestyle, it’s important you find ways to improve your overall well-being and tap into some skills that will help you with positive thinking.

Check out these need-to-know tips about how to stay positive below.

1. Have a Gratitude Journal To Stay Positive

Many of us might find ourselves struggling with positive thinking for several reasons. Whether these reasons include work obligations or personal insecurities, they can be challenging to overcome.

Its for this reason having a gratitude journal is the first tip on our list because it can remind you of all the good things about yourself. Whenever you feel as if you’re positivity is decreasing, we recommend pulling out your journal and focusing on all the good things you love about yourself.

Write these things down, and the next time you’re not feeling great about yourself, you can either write down more positive things you’re thankful for or reread the things you’ve written in the journal previously.

2. Go On a Wellness Retreat

Wellness and spiritual retreats are perfect for people looking for a way to reset and refocus on a healthy lifestyle. It removes you from your daily surroundings and gives you the space you need to focus on yourself and restore internal balance.

If you feel that life has you bogged down and you’re not able to stay postive we recommend you sign up for the next spiritual retreat as soon as possible. Trust us; you won’t regret it.

3. Self-Care Matters

We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but sometimes it can leave us feeling burnt out and worse for wear. During these times, a little self-care will go a long way.

However, it’s important you do what it takes to avoid getting to points where you feel worn down. To promote positive thinking, you should take time to do some form of self-care every day.

For example, a stay-at-home mother of three kids might find herself tired and frustrated by the end of the day. However, taking a thirty-minute shower or being able to eat a full meal without being disturbed could be a form of self-care for her.

It’s all about giving yourself a chance to reset before taking on more challenges in your day mentally.

4. Get Active

When you exercise, you’re going to feel better overall. Exercising and doing any form of activity gives your body an outlet to release tension while strengthening your muscles.

The best part about getting active is choosing a form of exercise that fits your personal needs. For example, if you have muscle or joint aches, you might consider some form of aquatic exercise.

Aquatics takes the stress of lifting weights off your body and allows you to enjoy the feeling of working out your muscles in a low-impact form.

5. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Studies have shown that your cognitive abilities decrease when you don’t get enough sleep at night. It’s recommended that adults get upwards of eight hours of sleep every night.

Do you find you spend more time tossing and turning than actually sleeping? If so, you might benefit from having a sleep routine.

Your sleep routine should take course around thirty minutes to an hour before it’s time to go to bed. Having a sleep routine will prepare you for bedtime and allows you to begin calming yourself down, and set yourself up for a better night of sleep and be able to stay positive the next day.

6. Mediating Daily Will Help You Stay Positive

Upwards of 500 million people practice meditation every day. The reason people do this is to become more in tune with their bodies and the thoughts and emotions they have.

Practicing meditation will allow you to pinpoint the negative thoughts you’re having and redirect them to ensure you’re thinking more positively in the future. In the beginning, you might find it challenging to meditate, but the more you practice it, the easier it will become.

7. Practice Positive Reinforcement

It can be easy to speak negatively when something goes wrong instead of providing positive reinforcement. There are several ways you can provide positive reinforcement not only for yourself but also for other people around you.

Practicing positive reinforcement could be telling yourself how proud you are that you’ve accomplished a specific task or giving yourself a pat on the back for staying positive and not giving in to your negative thoughts.

It might feel unnatural if you’ve had problems with negative thinking, but the more you practice it, the more natural it will become. Before you know it, you’ll start thinking positively and offer this form of reinforcement to yourself and others.

You never know whom you’ll help when you offer them praise or give a hug. It could be exactly what someone needs to turn their day around and change their own way of thinking.

Tips for Staying Positive & Improving Your Well-Being

Staying positive is challenging for people even if you try your hardest, but there are some tips we’ve given you that will help make things easier. You should practice meditation, and if you have time, go on a wellness retreat.
Are you ready to restore balance to your life?

Contact Sedona Sacred Journeys today and let us help you on your spiritual wellness journey.