Student: For a long time, I’ve had the feeling I’m suppose to become a shaman, to learn shamanic healing. How do I find out?
Greg: By taking action on that feeling. That is the warrior code. When you get an inspiration, act on it. In the code, it’s referred to as having “No Gap.”
Student: I’m not sure where to start? I’m afraid I will go in the wrong direction.
Greg: Sounds like you are overthinking it. To not do that is the first step on the Shaman’s path. Warrior’s allow their inspiration to guide them, not their thoughts. Start there. Believing in these inspirations with “action” is the language of the shamanic warrior. Because always and forever, behavior is the truth.
Student: I guess that’s the problem, I’m not acting on what I feel. If I’m ready to act can you suggest a next step?
Greg: You could clear these blocks in you.
Student: How?
Greg: Here are a few invocations:
“God (Creator, Spirit, Source), I give over to you all these blocks inside me that are keeping me from my true destiny. Please take them from me! I am ready for you to receive them! I give them to you!”
Ask: “I invite my Divinity to show me how to clear these blocks. I stand in faith that this will flow up. I’m in faith, that’s my stand!”
Find a dry-creek bed and stand in the middle of it and call forth the Spirit of the Water, the Blood of Mother Earth to clear you of these blocks
Ask your inner-child why they are afraid? And then just acknowledge their feelings – don’t try to fix them! It might sound like this: “I see you are really afraid, can you tell me what’s going on.” Please see my YT video on inner child healing.
Client: Wow! I’m excited. That feels powerful.
Greg: If you do the Creek Clearing one, guess what? You’ve just done shamanic healing session!
Client: I will do it! I promise. I would love to do healing work as a profession.
Greg: That sounds like an answer to your question. If you “love to do it” — that’s all you need to guide you. Let me know what happens.
Over the years in my practice, I’ve had hundreds of folks tell me they want to create a healing practice or practice shamanism. Sometimes, these are feelings they have had for many years and they don’t act on them. The first thing to know is you are absolutely not alone in this resistance. You have done nothing wrong. It’s very natural and innocent to allow our thoughts to scare us, to block us. How do you punch through?
There are many healing processes to get to the other side. It’s my job as teacher in partnership with clients to discover the path that gets them there the quickest. But let’s say you can’t reach out for support for whatever reason and you need to figure it out on your own. Those invocations above are few ways that could tip the scales and help you breakthrough to taking action — turn it to healing ceremony for yourself.
Client: I know you have a core principle to your shamanic healing work. Can you talk about it a bit?
Greg: “If you honor them, they will honor you.” That was what was handed down to me, everything I do flows from that. That is my shamanic tradition or path of medicine.
Client: Is it a form of acknowledgement?
Greg: You got it. When I honor the Tree-People or Rock-People by acknowledging them even with a simple hello, they honor me and my clients by perhaps flowing up energy or a clearing. These life-forces in nature want to be your friend, they want to help you.
Client: That’s how you could create an opening for a spiritual healing?
Greg: The Holy Men, my brothers, always kept it simple. Reach out your hand and it will be held. Everything around you is alive, the plants, tree, rocks, special little places. When you acknowledge it’s aliveness by a simple gesture – all nature will you hug you back. This is the path of Spirit. A Ho.
Indigenous cultures and shamanic practitioners since the beginning of time have had a deep intimate relationship with the Earth. Many folks know this of this history or through their shamanic studies. But here is my invitation: I have translated that knowing into engaging nature like you would a new friend? This is just not through donations or recycling, etc. but really getting out an talking to the Tree-People!
Brothers and sisters, shamanic healing is not just about altered states of consciousness, soul retrieval, the spirit world or spirit guides. It’s about a simple friendship with all the life forces around you in this physical world — the Tree, Rocks, Plants, Water. They really want to be your friends. All you have to do is say hello to them!
Gregory Drambour is master shamanic healer and has written three books on real world shamanism. He offers a Shamanic Training online and in Sedona
Image: “Sisters In Spirit” by the late Donna Jacobson.