Gregory Drambour Author of three books on Shamanism and Practical Spirituality
Spiritual Warrior Online Program
The jewel in the online program portfolio! For those wanting to come alive again! To find their mission. To go deeper spiritually. To be a better partner or parent.
Shamanic Online Training
The Shamanic Training Program will develop and strengthen your personal power and give you a deep knowledge of old school shamanism
Freedom From Codependency Online Program
Time to take care of yourself! I know of no other online program addressing this serious issue and challenge
Clearing Your Home Program|
Do you feel the energy in your home or office could feel better? Does it feel stuck?
Advanced Laws of Attraction eCourseAttraction Principles that no one else is teaching! This is the Advanced Course!
Spiritual Tutorials
6 Spiritual Tutorials Taking You From An Intellectual Spirituality To A “Knowing”
Animal Totem Tutorials
How to discover and create a relationship with your Animal Totem
Shamanic Remote Clearing Program
General Energy Clearing and Healing and Clearing of Entities and Attachments
Phone Programs
3 Different Programs to choose to fit into your mission and budget. Each one creating powerful changes and insights.