Sedona Retreat Stories

A column about the adventures and insights that come from Sedona Retreats or living in Sedona or as I call it--The Magic Kingdom!

Preparation For Retreats and Post Retreat Guidance

When you come on a Sedona retreat there is nothing more important than trying to deeply listen. Deep listening is the bridge that takes you to the wisdom inside yourself. Deep listening means to listen without thinking, to listen in total receiver-mode. And if thoughts come in, just let them float by. Now, this does not mean not to ask questions! I think questions are powerful. I have written two columns about listening and before clients come to Sedona, I encourage them to read them because it can really make an enormous difference in the success of your retreat.
Well, let me retract that word–success! After your retreat, you want to be very careful not to draw any conclusions about your retreat. That kind of assessing might stop the seeds from growing that have been planted in your Spirit while here in Sedona. I always recommend to clients to not “process” what they heard or to debrief with someone too soon after the retreat. Let what you might have gotten come out naturally. But this does not mean not to review your notes or audio tape of office sessions. You might want to type your notes and read them once in a while. I find this very helpful.
Back to deep-listening: In the latest newsletter, I wrote about my sessions with one of my teachers. During one phone call, I found myself listening through my thinking! It really surprised me! I was guilty of what I call: “I’ve been working on that-listening!” She would say something and my thinking would instantly say, “Oh yes, I have been working on that.” That statement is a very subtle defense and stops me from hearing what she is trying to point out at a deeper level. Hearing at deeper level creates a shift in behavior at a deeper level. Make sense, brothers and sisters?
“Agreement-listening” is another type that happens on retreat alot! “Yes, Greg, I know exactly what you mean.” When you verbalize that agreement internally or externally you are not allowing yourself to hear what was just said “new”. And that’s the mission on retreat: to hear these simple philosophies new or at a deeper level.
Expectations before you come on Sedona retreat can also be inhibiting to creating a breakthrough. So you want to do your best and not except anything and just relax and let what will happen, happen. I joke with clients and say, “Let go and let Greg!”
More later!
A Ho,

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