Sedona Sacred Journeys


Deepen Your Spiritual Development by Studying Shamanism

Did you know that the world’s first shamans lived more than ten thousand years ago in Siberia?

Even though people commonly refer to all spiritual healers from around the planet as shamans, there are actually many different kinds of shamans. Many people make the mistake of thinking that it’s necessary to be trained for many years under the guidance of an elder if you want to embrace shamanism.

The truth is that it’s still possible to experience the benefits of shamanism if you haven’t yet been trained. Keep reading and we’ll tell you how to deepen your spiritual journey by embracing shamanic energy healing.

The Basics of Shamanism

It’s easy to make the assumption that shamans are miracle workers who have magical powers. In reality, a shamanic healer is somebody who knows how to assist people to overcome emotional blockages, shatter limiting beliefs, and let go of old baggage.

Many experienced shamanic energy healers say that getting healed by a shaman is similar to getting therapy if you are lazy. What they mean by this is that you don’t actually need to do very much work if you want to get healed. The most important thing to do if you want to get healed by a shaman is to be prepared to face your true self and transform.

There are shamanic traditions from all around the world. Shamans of North America usually work with nature to help people to heal. When they’re undergoing shamanic training, they will often go on vision quests and fast for multiple days on end.

Shamans from the Andes of South America work with mother earth, which they call “Pachamama.” They often make offerings to Pachamama and send prayers for her to heal people who they are working with.

Lots of contemporary shamans embrace techniques that come from various spiritual traditions from around the world. They often specialize in helping people to find their higher purpose.

The Process of Energy Healing

One of the most common shamanic healing tools is the drum. Trained shamans often use their drums to help their patients to go on shamanic journeys so that they can go into trance states. One of the purposes of doing this is for having visions.

Some people see their ancestors, others come into contact with animal spirits that present themselves as guides into the spirit world. Shamanic healers often call these beings their “allies” or “guides.”

Guides can give you messages about what your purpose is. They also might tell you something important that you need to do in life.

There are many benefits of meeting your spirit guides. Once you meet them, it’s possible to call upon them at any time that you need help. This means that you’ll become stronger and will have more confidence.

Many people who are led into trance states by shamans start wondering if they themselves are meant to be shamans as well. If you want to become a shaman, it’s important that you find an experienced elder who can teach you how to become one.

Lots of contemporary shamans say that the most important thing to do if you want to become a shaman is to learn to listen to your heart instead of your mind. They also say that you need to follow “the warrior code.” Doing this involves taking action when you feel that you need to instead of waiting for something to happen to you.

The Benefits of Combining Reiki, Shamanism, and Acupuncture

It’s common for shamans to combine healing techniques from different traditions. Many people who have spent a large part of their lives as shamans choose to embrace practices such as yoga, meditation, and massage.

By combining these approaches, they are able to help their patients in new and exciting ways.

Why Seek a Shaman Healing

If you’ve suffered from traumatic life experiences that are still unresolved, it’s likely that you can heal by embracing shamanism.

For example, it’s possible to visit a shaman who knows how to use her or his drum to help you to enter a trance state to help you to develop a connection with your spirit guide. They can also help you to bring awareness to what your higher purpose is.

If you want to go on a spirit quest, you can visit an indigenous shaman from North America.

If you’re interested in studying shamanism, it’s important to realize how important it is to take your time in learning. Most people who undergo shamanic training spend many years learning from elders.

You should also realize that there are many people who claim to be shamans who don’t actually have very much experience. This is why you should ask any shaman who you want to learn from how long they’ve been practicing for and who they studied under.

Start Embracing Shamanism and Healing Today

If you’re interested in exploring shamanism, it’s important to work with an experienced teacher who has your best interests at heart. Keep in mind that there are many kinds of shamanism. It’s also possible to learn from a shaman who also practices reiki or is an expert at breathwork.

If you’re interested in healing and connecting with your deeper purpose, we are here to help you. We offer various retreats that are not particularly focused on shamanism, which means that anybody can attend and participate in. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today if you’re interested in finding out more.