Ric & Nicola F. New Jersey
Posted April 18, 2020
We found Greg through an online search for couples retreats in Sedona, Arizona. My husband and I had heard about the healing qualities found in Sedona and seek to combine this with a retreat that focused on the relationship. We have been together for more than 10 years, and despite loving each other, we often felt disconnected. Everyday life had managed to get in the way, along with old and new habits surfacing, and we realized we were drifting further apart. We both felt that much like bringing a car to the mechanic for servicing, our relationship too, appeared to need some servicing as well. Both my husband and I had reservations and were skeptical about doing a retreat that would actually help the relationship. But, to our surprise, we instantly liked Greg and his demeanor. After watching a few YouTube videos, we felt that Greg seemed like a great choice. We were excited to meet Greg and it’s hard to put into words why, but we just knew we would feel comfortable and at ease around him. I also liked the fact that he was a “male” and perhaps, my husband would also feel more comfortable and open up. We both agreed to give it a shot — what did we have to loose?
What we both did not expect was, just how much we would be amazed by Greg’s insight, intuition, and wisdom. He truly is a gifted healer with a greatly amplified intuition. It was an amazing experience, which we will never forget. My husband and I had been going to marriage counseling for more than a year and our progress had plateaued. Greg gave us our hope back, and said the things that needed to be said, so we can start our relationship reboot. My husband and I are truly thankful and feel like we have been given a very special gift. We know we have more to do in our journey ahead, but Greg has given us much wisdom to digest, suggested books that we are reading, and relationship principles that we are already putting to use. More importantly, Greg has given us essential tools to restart our journey — a journey filled with understanding and respect for each other. It is with much affection for Greg as a healer, guide, and teacher, that we write this — Thank you!
Beth & Lisa, CA
Thoughts Are Neutral!
Hi Greg,
I just wanted to let you know how much my vortex experience with you meant to me. After Beth and I shared with you in your office some of the issues we would like more direction with, I was beside myself with how I was in such a different place after we finished our walk. The amazing things that happened during our experience astound me. The information you gave me regarding my relationship and how I caused my own confusion with her was right on.
Letting go of my guilt that I have chosen to carry around that caused my prior sickness, has released me. I have forgiven myself. I would have never put the two together so thank you for that also. How your guides steered me towards my issues amazed and delighted me. I will carry with me these beautiful memories every minute of every day. I apply your suggestions and see the difference in keeping my thoughts neutral. You have brought peace into my life again. I have even started reading Brandon Bays’ Journey book. You, Greg are truly a beautiful person! Thank you for sharing your gift with Beth and me. My life has and continues to shift in this beautiful and peaceful direction.
A night at the “Radisson Inn”= $179.00
A dinner at Oxaca’s Mexican Restaurant for 2 in Sedona= $32.00
Our Vortex experience with Greg Drambour=PRICELESS 🙂
Laura B. Sacramento, CA
Dear Greg,
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the amazing journey you took my husband and I on at the vortex, and into the path of gates for our private recommitment ceremony. The whole experience was so special, and surprisingly healing, that both my husband and I have decided to make some positive changes in our lives, to be sure we are staying true to our spirits, and the love between us.
Your unique gift and ability to “see” through someone still haunts us both, and yet we are so deeply grateful for all that you were able to open our minds and hearts to. You are a unique and special individual to be sure….a true warrior among men.
Thank you for giving us such an incredible gift and a truly sacred journey. We intend to continue on this journey with you and others.
With deepest gratitude,
Scott & Debbie , The O.C!
Acknowledgement Insight
Happy New Year! I just wanted to thank you again for the experience that you provided for both Debbie and me. It was excellent! I was so surprised at how quickly you were able to hone in on some of our biggest issues. We had so many insights during our two days and they seem to just keep on occurring now that we’re home. In addition, the selected readings that you suggested are excellent and really tie into much what we discussed.
Now that we are home, we realize just how much work we need to continue doing. For example, deep listening is still a struggle, though I truly see how it will of benefit in both in my personal and professional life. We have both been really trying to pay attention to our moods and notice how our thoughts at any given moment may be a direct result of our mood. This is powerful.
Finally, I have been really trying to make Debbie the center of my life for a 30 day period. So far, so good. I think it will continue to get better and easier.
Thanks again, Greg. You really made our trip to Sedona something special.
Take care,
Pedro F. FL.
Sitting back at my desk at work after an amazing trip to Sedona refreshed and centered. The time John and I spent with you this past Saturday going up to the Healing Tree is one of those times and places in your life you wish for and never forget. I am thankful for you coming into our lives and guiding us though our journey. You told me early on in the journey to be open to what I would hear versus expecting what I want to hear.
You were right, I went out to forgive God and my father but ended up forgiving myself for the way I felt towards God and my father. Watching John go through is journey touched me like nothing has touched me before. What he experienced is what I have wanted for him for a long time.
I have learned to allow John take his journey versus trying to take him there. Seeing John touch his pain, give it to God and challenge himself to continue work towards what he wants in his life was amazing. There is joy in seeing yourself grow but I learned out there the love in seeing someone else grow. John is reading your books and he tells me its hitting home. I look forward to reading it once he is done.
John and I will be back to Sedona and look forward to you taking us up to the Eagle Vortex. I pray all will continue to be great for you and that you continue to touch others as you touched John and I.
Brian and Heidi, CA
Deep Listening
Dear Greg
We wanted to write you this letter to thank you for everything that you have given us. You have taught us many things: to deep listen (we will forever be working on this one), to slow down and listen to our wisdom when dealing with our everyday problems and to be kind to ourselves.
You definitely “get” Brian and I and even though it is sometimes hard to hear what you have to say and “see”, we know that you have our best interest in your heart and we listen to you. We see you as our life coach, your insights and teaching will forever be a part of us. You have helped Brian tremendously with his business life, he has really taken things to the next level and he is so much happier for letting go of some of the “chatter” in his head. He has truly moved on from the things that were keeping him stuck. I’m still amazed at what happened to him at the Vortex, it was so incredible to see him sweating out the bad energy. You have helped me to see inside myself and work on my deep listening skills, I know that I have a long way to go and I’m glad that you are only a quick plane ride away. We have learned many things from you and want you to know that you have a special place in our hearts.
With much love,
Todd & Melissa R. Flagstaff, AZ
It Can Be Easy!
It has been several years since my wife Melissa and I first stepped into your office in Sedona.
“We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your insight and teaching. Melissa and I came to you 2 years ago when we were dating. Your insights and direction has helped us to establish a lasting relationship. When we first came to you, we were like most people, many dreams, expectations and hopes for this new-found love. Through your insights, guidance and compassion, we have made those dreams a reality. Now Melissa and I have exchanged vows as husband and wife and have celebrated our first year of marriage.
One of things we have learned from Greg is that it does not have to be hard to make a life of your dreams. As a software developer and executive of a large organization, we both deal with the challenges of deadlines, competing schedules and managing the details of family life. With the work that we have done with Greg, we now have a much different perspective and can truly enjoy life the way God has intended.
Thanks Greg from the bottom of our hearts.
Amanda and Greg
Low Mood Stop!
Hi Greg,
I want you to know that Greg and I appreciate your words of wisdom, it was a pleasure meeting you. We both feel that our time in Sedona and with you was icing on our cake! We even quote you.
I’m doing okay with the past files and the low mood-stop, heart to heart-go. Greg started his new job on Monday May 5th and is loving it. I didn’t go to work on Monday ….at the last minute my instincts told me to stay home. I did return to work on Tuesday and had a very good day. I’m doing a good job of being kind to myself. I’m starting to like me… what a revolution. I’ve listened to the tape that you made 2x now and had some aha moments….I can do this!
Take care of yourself stay well, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
PPS. Your ears must be burning lots ….we’ve been talking about you lots!
Inggriani & Gary, NJ
I Did It!
Dear Greg,
I don’t know how to put it in words. we had such an enlightening experience being with you for those 2 and a half hours. I could not believe I climbed without having fear of slipping. In the past my feet would not move until I hold on to some one that would help me move up.
there are some insights into our awareness from the special journey that you took us. Gary and I felt as if we have went through an accelerated course of personal development or counseling that led us to the next level of personal growth.
We are blessed to have met you.
Rhonda, San Diego, CA
Rhonda & Scott
Hello Greg,
It was so great to meet you and go on the female vortex walk with you on Saturday morning! I am the sister to the fairy nation along with my brave little girl that shines thru my eyes and into others.
You are such a cool soul and thank you so so much. I feel lighter and my heart is full of joy. I know we will be seeing you again along this journey and feeling your amazing vibrations radiate thru our beings.
Your friend,