Complementary Healing Stories

Gregory Drambour

Complementary Healing Story Archive

Complementary healing has become an integral part of many folk’s cancer or chronic illness journey.  When I had stage 4 throat cancer, I utilized both alternative healing methods and conventional medicine. The mind body spirit connection is part of the complementary approach as well as making sure you have emotional support from loves ones.  The stories in this complementary healing archive will take you deep inside the healing journey. I hope it’s informative and offers you hope. The working title is Draw No Conclusions.

Please check if you interested in a Cancer & Illness Support Retreat.

My area of fluency is supporting clients discover and clearing the emotional contributor to getting ill.

Book Recommendation: The book that opened to door for me was “Love, Medicine & Miracles” By Dr. Bernie Segal.  Bernie was one the first cancer surgeons to step over the line ands talk about the mind-body connection.

Complementary Healing Stories Archive
One Doctor
Patience can keep you on the path to healing and being a survivor.
Post Cancer Treatment Visits
Stay cool! One moment at a time!
A forgiveness retreat can create dramatic healing!
Healing Outline
An example of a plan created on Healing Retreat.
Second and Third Opinions
Getting more information about your cancer is very important.
Believe in Yourself
You have such great power inside you!
Strategy and Probability
An important conversation on Healing Retreat
“It Is What It Is.”
Acceptance of your cancer as a step in healing!
Other Brothers & Sisters with Cancer
You're a survivor and have information that others don't. These connections are always healing.
Docs Good information for navigating thru conventional docs when doing alternative.
Good information for navigating thru conventional docs when doing alternative.
Follow-up Detoxification Essential information for the Cancer Survivor
Essential information for the Cancer Survivor
Getting Motivated
Asking yourself tough questions. Healing Retreat?
Friends Cancer scares them. Try and understand
Cancer scares them. Try and understand
Stuck in Illness
Healing is possible
The Cellular Memory My story as a cancer survivor
My story as a cancer survivor.

Don’t forget to check out more stories on my new Blog